MagicalTux in Japan

MagicalTux in Japan [] I’m curious as to how Mark Karpeles’ blog didn’t get any more attention than it did before this

Damage Control

It’s been a rough week for Bitcoin. Obviously, the bitcoin protocol is completely unaffected by this mess. However, the events of these past weeks will only fuel the fire with regards to

Bitcoin Talks Lille, une communaute se cree

Ce jeudi a eu lieu la première édition desBitcoin Talks Lille []! L'idée de lancer cet évènement m'est venue lorsque j'ai voulu rencontrer

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Update : This project has taken a life of its own and can now be found at []. Like many former Google Reader users, I’ve moved my RSS subscriptions

The deceiving truth about fingerprint biometrics

> Your fingerprint is one of the best passwords in the World. It’s always with you and no two are exactly alike. Dan Riccio, Apple Vice President Hardware Engineering Unfortunately, as it