The point of meditation Jan 23, 2019 2 min read Meditation Mindfulness meditation is in vogue. People everywhere are waking up to the benefits of being aware.
A 30-day challenge to fix my dysfunctional relationship with writing Jan 19, 2019 3 min read 30-day writing challenge I'm fixing my love-hate relationship once and for all – an exercise in forming habits and becoming a better writer.
100 Episodes and Counting - The Reason We Are Still Here Jun 15, 2015 3 min read This week, the company I co-founded just over a year and a half ago reached a major milestone: we recorded and released the 100th episode of Epicenter Bitcoin [](don’t
Le Co-Challenge 2015 a Lille : rencontrez vos futurs partenaires dans une experience humaine hors du commun Apr 29, 2015 1 min read Entrepreneurship Dans le cadre du développement de mon activité d’accompagnement digital des startups et PME, je prépare depuis quelques semaines ma participation à une expérience unique et enrichissante, tant sur le plan personnel
Who knew that my plain ol' desk had the legs to grow into a standing desk? This is a game changer. Apr 28, 2015 Who knew that my plain ol’ desk had the legs to grow into a standing desk? This is a game changer.