Prior states of mind

In April 2018, I gave up my apartment, stored most of my things, and left for Southeast Asia carrying a backpack. I didn't know it then, but the following year would be transformative. Over the next 12 months, I left Stratumn (a company I co-founded three years earlier), met my now-wife, and traveled to Singapore, different parts of Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Romania, Canada, and various cities in France. In May of the following year, I settled in the Parisian suburbs of Montreuil and still reside there.

Upon returning to France, I jotted down some of the lessons from my travels, intending to turn that into a blog post. That list has sat in draft ever since.

Looking back on one's old writing is fascinating. It's a window into our state of mind at previous points of our lives. It's easy to lose connection to one’s old self, and I like being reminded of the simple things that once made me happy. Perhaps a longing for a more innocent me, seeking simple pleasures and eager for adventure.

Reading this list, I'm transported back into the mind of that idealistic 34-year-old before the mortgage, hair loss, and stuff back. I realize the toll time takes, and fins that young man who still lives somewhere within me.

This (unedited) list has been sitting in my drafts for more than four years. It's time to set it free.

10 things I learned from living out of a suitcase this year (and sometimes a backpack)

- You don’t need many things to get by
- Pack less and buy necessities along the way
- You appreciate the simple things more
- Little clothes go a long way
- Data is cheap
- You get to find out who your real friends are
- Travel with luggage you can hold in one hand
- Keep a travel journal (I wish I had)
- Bring things that are light, durable, and multi-use
- Always carry (some) cash
- Use public transportation as a rule, taxis and Uber as an exception
- Get a Revolut card
- When paying by card/withdrawing cash, use your bank’s exchange rate
- Take the time to learn something new
- Stay with people (Airbnb, hostel)
- Travel with people
- You don't need that much to live well
- Make room for simple pleasures
- Traveling teaches you how to be frugal
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Real friends let you sleep on their couch
- Having fewer things feels good