Ok, writing. Let's have another go.

In 2019, I took on a thirty-day writing challenge. The idea was simple: force myself to write at least 300 words daily and fix my dysfunctional relationship with writing.

My Epicenter Co-Founder, Brian Fabian Crain, a long-time reader of Fred Wilson's blog, avc.com, inspired the idea. Having an accountability buddy felt like a great way to stay on track and build a long-lasting habit of writing.

I also meditated daily during this period using Sam Harris' guided meditation app, Waking Up. Looking back, it was a time when I had a very structured and healthy routine. Oh, how things have changed.

I loved this challenge and remember great enjoyment in writing and seeing my skills improve. It wasn't easy at the beginning, especially getting started. As the days passed, sitting down and writing about any topic felt easier.

I wrote about crypto, of course, but also Dutch Auctions, the city of Lyon (where I lived at the time during a one-year nomad stint), ditching Facebook, online privacy, and Bowerbirds. No topic was off limits–I would write about whatever I felt like that day.

These were also the early days of my relationship with my now-wife. We had met about eight months prior when she was living in Singapore, and she was now back in Europe. We planned to travel together for a week to Morocco to learn to surf, and the thought of taking my laptop was unappealing. So I put the challenge on hold after just 23 days, with firm conviction it would continue upon my return. Alas, my writing habit died on that trip.

Four and a half years later, I'm eager to pick up this habit again. Inspired by Clement Simon, my partner at Interop Ventures, who, much like me, struggles with motivation when it comes to writing, we decided to embark on this challenge, serving as each other's accountability buddy.

So here we go again. This won't be easy. My schedule is much more rigid these days, with more responsibilities and things to get done daily. We're also traveling to Singapore for a week in September. But I'm confident and eager to see what a daily writing habit uncovers this time around.